DE MAAN is located in the centre of Mechelen, so traffic might be busy. Click here for more information about the accessibility of DE MAAN and parking facilities.
How long do the shows last?
Details about the length of a performance can be found on the performance information page. There are no breaks.
The performance begins at the indicated time. Make sure you arrive on time! When the performance has started, the doors will remain closed. Tickest will not be refunded.
Minimum age and childcare
We ask you to respect the minimum age which is indicated for each production. A theatre full of children who are too young to appreciate the show is not a pleasant place. Not to the children themselves, not to the audience and not to the actors.
You would like to attend a performance but one or more of your children are too young? We can provide childcare for the duration of the performance. Please let us have the following information 48 hours in advance via contact@demaan.be: "childcare" for performance xx for xx children of xx years old. Add your name, postal address and mobile number.
Buying tickets at the ticket office of DE MAAN
The tickets that you buy at the ticket office can only be paid in cash. There are ATMs near CC Mechelen, on and around Grote Markt. The ticket office of DE MAAN opens one hour before the performance.
Photos/films/sound recordings
Making photos, film, video or sound recordings is absolutely forbidden during the performances.
Accessibility for wheelchair users
Our attendants are happy to guide wheelchair users to their seats. If you need assistance, please let us know in advance so that we can make the necessary preparations.